Thursday, 4 June, 2015
The June 5 each year, World Environment Day is celebrated. The Garden Center Fuerteventura involved helping to have a beautiful garden, without leaving a footprint on the planet. You only have to visit to discover the hand of specialists, the best compost to feed your plants and fruit to become a horticulturist environmentally responsible.
Seven billion humans live only in one planet. We are all citizens of this great world we call home. And as such, we must take responsibility to preserve it healthy. But what is the greatest scourge that is facing our environment? It can be somewhat hard to assert that we are like parasites, but the question is, are we?
We release the gas environment, physical and chemical residues that pollute the air we breathe and the water we drink. We consume resources beyond our means to exhaust them. We exploit ecosystems and their inhabitants in our favor.
The UNEP (United Nations Program for the Environment), aware of the problems that our attitude provides, the world as we know it will not come to 2050. On the contrary, we would need three planets like ours to meet our consumption.
The final conclusion is that, certainly, human depends entirely on the planet to survive and to continue to lead the lifestyle and economic system that we know today.
But what we can do to improve our environment? Although it may seem like it’s too late to react, we are in time! The key, as the UNEP says, is consumed in moderation. The undisputed theme of environmentalism is "think globally, act locally" and therein lies the real secret of our capacity for action.
If everyone, as far as we can, participate in making the world better, when we want to realize, the world will really be better! Every action counts. And as we are aware of it, we participate by contributing our bit.
Having our own urban garden and reducing pesticide, we contribute to reducing the ecological footprint we leave on the planet. So in the Garden Center Fuerteventura we can ‘t miss the opportunity to participate actively with you in this important mission.
We offer seeds, plants and trees that have not been treated with chemical fertilizers, as well as a large variety of organic compost to your plants that provide strength and nutrients needed to ensure good production.
Because together, with small gestures, we can make the planet a better home for all our species. Happy World Environment Day!