Verde Aurora Land and the little ones live with us the passion for plants

Monday, 18 May, 2015
It’s unnecesary saying that in our Garden Center in Furteventura, the love of plants and flowers is felt in every corner. Specialists take care of them daily so that no outbreak spoil and you can look wonderful spectacle of shapes and color that only the vegetable world can give us.
Surely we all agree that there are few things more beautiful than a flower. But do you know what these flowers are actually? So they are, to put it in some way, the reproductive system of the seed plants in order to accommodate within it the seeds that give rise to new plants.
When the plants bear fruit, that little pollinated flower will become a delicious fruit which will leave a new tree with the necessary care. Flowers, fruits, leaves ... We love plants with its infinite variety and for us today is a day of celebration.
In our Garden Center we want to share this World Day of fascination for plants with Verde Aurora Land, putting at their disposal a spectacular collection of our best fruit trees, which undoubtedly will find in this family organic farm, a perfect environment where develop and produce all its splendor.
Surely you've heard that one of the things to do in life is to plant a tree, and the smaller are the ideal candidates for this type of activity. The kids from Antigua school contributed to this fun activity putting, never better, its bit. To them it has been an unforgettable experience that we could use to teach them our values of environmental awareness.
Today we all live together the immense passion for plants and flowers. Today large and small are faithful witnesses to the greatness of nature.
We take care and respect our infinite biodiversity together!