The flowers’ month say goodbye!

Thursday, 28 May, 2015
The colorful May is coming to its end. But with its best colours! It leaves behind the most vivid colors in our gardens. Warm temperatures and sunny days that make our plantations in a sea of flowers and fresh aromas give way to high temperatures.
It’s certainly the favorite month for gardening lovers, and garden center know how to leverage valuable days of May, preparing our soils to get  the best in the coming months.
The birth of new buds and bloom show is the result of one of the most wonderful times of the year: spring. But summer can be dedicated to removing weeds, making pruning, clean the garden and fertilize shrubs and hedges. The care of the garden never ends!
But don’t worry! Although this wonderful month is ending, there are still many plants which can open their buds on summer. There are some straggler plants who prefer late spring to bloom: poppy, petunia and thyme among others.
Summer drags us high temperatures, and therefore lack of moisture. This is not very good for our plants. It’s therefore very important to ensure that our plants have enough water for irrigation if we want our garden looks beautiful next spring. In the Garden Center Fuerteventura we recommend you watering early in the morning or evening to help your plants keep moisture earth for longer.
Although if your passion for flowers has no limits and you want to have a colorful garden also in autumn, take advantage of these days to plant species that bloom between the months of September and December. Come to our Garden Centre Fuerteventura and we will gladly advise you. There's still time!
There is nothing more beautiful than nature giving us their fantastic flowers!